The idea of creating a grouping of like-minded organisations was conceptualised in 2017. WAPFSA was initiated in 2018 as a collaborative network representing the interests of wild animals and the natural environment as a vehicle to engage government on subject matter to include amongst other, animal protection, ethical and compassionate conservation, welfare, biodiversity loss and climate change and in 2019 WAPFSA was formalised as a network.

The WAPFSA provides a framework for cooperation and networking among non-governmental organisations in South Africa. Through such cooperation, animal protection, environmental, conservation, and other like-minded organisations can present, to the various government agencies and other relevant bodies, a strong, clear and informed common position.
Our collaboration involves, but is not limited to, the following main categories: advocacy, outreach, research, enforcement, investigation, monitoring, litigation and training.
The WAPFSA is an alliance of diverse organisations that share certain values, knowledge and objectives which collectively comprises a body of expertise from scientific, conservation, legal, welfare, protection, rights, social justice, financial and public advocacy sectors.
The WAPFSA is focussed on the interaction with local and international governments, industry, corporations, communities and other bodies and stakeholders to protect wildlife through collaborative, informed and targeted efforts.
The overarching object of WAPFSA is to facilitate the creation of a strong social movement that advocates locally and globally so as to create awareness and to lobby and affect policy and legislative remedies and change relating to:
the loss, contamination, fragmentation, degradation and climate alteration of suitable habitat for wild animals;
the captive breeding, keeping, exhibition, management, handling, trading, oppression and trophy hunting of wild animals and their body parts for commercial purposes and associated exploitation.
WAPFSA may from time to develop a number of specialist and interdisciplinary Working Groups so as to: enhance information sharing; combine the talents; knowledge and experience of the WAPFSA’s member organisations; develop and provide technical assistance; and to assist WAPFSA advocacy, lobbying and policy development activities.
20th February 2019, and in support of the above, a number of organisations formally established the Wildlife Animal Protection Forum South Africa.
The Members of the Wildlife Animal Protection Forum South Africa (WAPFSA) resolve to adopt this statement of purpose, our objectives and operational principles are set out in our founding document.

Stefania Falcon is the WAPFSA Co-ordinator email:
PHOTOGRAPHY the wildlife images used on this website have been graciously and generously supplied by Gurcharan Roopra, a Kenyan, award winning wildlife photographer.
Images of the WAPFSA Workshop are courtesy of the EMS Foundation
©WAPFSA 2019. All Rights Reserved.