

 The members of WAPFSA are concerned that the DFFE is closely aligning itself with a US based trophy hunting advocacy organisation – Safari Club International (SCI) in formulating policies on the conservation of African wildlife. 

DFFE appears to be adopting a one-sided policy on ramping up the commercialisation and consumptive use of wildlife by actively collaborating with SCI, the world’s largest trophy hunting organisation. 

The annual African Wildlife Consultative Forum (AWCF) is the SCI Foundation’s premier activity in Africa. The annual meeting brings together professional hunting associations, hunting and conservation organisations, and range state government officials. The meeting will take place in Stellenbosch from 28 Oct – 1 Nov 2024. 

The discussions are to centre on expansion of consumptive wildlife economies in Africa – and particularly southern Africa. While the promotion and expansion of trophy hunting activities will be the primary focus, the meeting aims to lend support to the increase in monetising wildlife utilisation. Trophy hunting and trade in wildlife body parts such as ivory and rhino horn are regarded as key to the expansion of such economies. 

Of concern, is that the discussions are held in private with approximately a dozen southern African governments attending. That these talks are shrouded in secrecy means that the approach by SCI is designed to influence government policy without the attendance of other organisations that hold a different approach to wildlife conservation. 

Members of WAPFSA wrote a letter of concern to Minister Dion George raising the question of whether the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment was adopting a one sided approach to wildlife conservation.


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