The Wildlife Animal Protection Forum (WAPFSA), is a forum consisting of thirty South African organisations that are all actively involved with the protection and conservation of wild animals and the natural environment in South Africa.
The members share a body of expertise from vastly different fields including, but not limited to, science, the environment, the law, animal welfare, human and non-human rights, social justice, the climate, the ocean, the indigenous perspective and public advocacy.
For the reasons expressed below in this document, WAPSA members firmly oppose the Adaptive Management Plan to move the Pringle Bay baboon troop out of the urban area, announced by the Overstrand Municipality on the 29th of April 2024.
In particular, WAPFSA opposes the reintroduction of weapons as a means to manage the baboons in Pringle Bay, because there are good reasons to believe that it will have a negative impact on the welfare of baboons and will not solve the problems.
WAPFSA proposes that the municipality adopt a different approach, focusing on tackling the factors drawing baboons into residential areas, as detailed further below.
In 2021 the residents of Pringle Bay highlighted the following points for change, these points are still applicable today:
- No resident wants the baboons in their houses, but they also don’t want baboons constantly harassed, chased and shot at.
- A shepherding approach needs to be followed by all monitors. The previous system used in Pringle Bay by the PBRA/PBBAG was an excellent method of managing the baboons. The monitors were polite and loved the baboons.
They also notified residents by blowing whistles, clapping and ringing doorbells when thebaboons were in the area. - UndernocircumstancesshouldababoonbetargetedforremovalorkillingintheBiosphere.
- The infringement of private property needs to stop. Pringle Bay residents are tired of seeingbattles intheir gardens. Plots are crossed on foot by monitors, damaging sensitive fynbos.
- Waste management needs to be addressed. Baboon-proof bins must be used by residents.The public bins scattered all over the Overstrand need to be fixed and maintained to prevent baboon access. Holidaymakers need to be made aware by rental agents and/or homeowners of the baboons. Homeowners also need to ensure any waste is disposed of in the correct way, e.g. taken to the dump, not left on the side of the road.
- Signage at holiday homes, restaurants and shops must be erected. The message should be clear: no feeding of the baboons, no illegal dumping.
- Noshootingorinjuringofbaboons.Finesmustbeimposedifanyoneisfounddoinganyofthe above.
- Newresidentsshouldbemadeawarebyestateagentsthattheyliveinabiosphereandithas animals that we need to protect. An information welcome pack should be provided to all new residents, and new builds and placed in the rental properties for the educational value it can provide regarding the presence of baboons in the area.
- Houses must be baboon-proofed and access by baboons prevented. Special groups within the village should be set up to advise new residents on baboon proofing, etc. Building plan approval should be conditional on the inclusion of baboon proofing.
- Shop owners in the central business district should display baboon information in their windows and have information pamphlets available to the public. Baboon-proofed bins and baboon safety doors should be requirements for all business owners.
WAPSA Members Oppose the Adaptive Management Plan to Move Pringle Bay Troop Out of the Urban Area Announced by the Overstrand Municipality on the 29th April 2024
WAPFSA hereby officially opposes the reintroduction of weapons as means to manage the baboons in Pringle Bay.
WAPFSA is hereby officially appealing for the immediate cessation of the anti-baboon rhetoric and the dangerous disinformation campaign that is being allowed to perpetuate on social media, which is fuelling the aggressive behaviour of some of the men in Pringle Bay.
KVET has conducted meetings with the South African Police Services and a criminal attorney and can confirm the activities that they are carrying out in Pringle Bay are not illegal. KVET is not collecting data on the residents of Pringle Bay, they are not hindering or obstructing the Overstrand Municipality employees in any manner whatsoever.
KVET is carrying out valuable community work in Pringle Bay at no cost to the Overstrand ratepayer.
A number of baboon experts, who have vast documented experience working with the Pringle Bay troop, have offered their learned opinions about the current baboon behaviour in Pringle Bay. A non-violent, transparent management strategy agreed upon by all stakeholders must be sought so that the troop can safely enter their sleep sites.
The Municipality should be encouraged to rebuild the waste dump site at no cost to the ratepayers and to make sure that residents baboon-proof their homes and the waste bins.
Image Credit: KVET 2024
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