WAPFSA members and the undersigned associated organisations, hereby urge the South African government to desist from the current seismic surveys activities, to allow for further urgent scientific research. Further research must also be carried out whereby the negative long-term effects for the South African tourism industry, the livelihoods of South Africans and health of South Africans living in this coastal region can be established.
Sairusha Govindsamy, African Climate Alliance,
Wynter Worsthorne, Founder Animal Talk Africa
Jenni Trethowan, Founder Baboon Matters
Lorraine Holloway, Founder Baboons of the South
Smaragda Louw, Director Ban Animal Trading
Toni Brockhoven, Chairperson Beauty Without Cruelty (South Africa)
Renee Bish and Pete, Co-Founders Betty’s Bay Baboon Action Group
Stephen Munro, Director Centre for Animal Rehabilitation and Education
Brett Mitchell, Chairperson, Elephant Reintegration Trust
Michele Pickover, Executive Director EMS Foundation
Fiona Miles, Director Four Paws (South Africa)
Stefania Falcon, Co-Founder, Future 4 Wildlife
Jabu Myeni, Environmental Education, Gifted for Good
Linda Tucker CEO Founder, Global White Lion Protection Trust
Les Mitchell Director, Institute for Critical Animal Studies (Africa)
Steve Smit Co-Founder Monkey Helpline
Kim Da Ribeira Director OSCAP-Outraged SAfrican Citizens Against Poaching
Vivien Law, Regenerative Farming Parliament for the People
Megan Carr Founder Rhinos in Africa
Professor David SAIFAC SA Institute for Advanced Constutitional Law
Stephen Fritz Senior Chief South Peninsula Khoi Council
Lex Abnett Director Southern African Fight for Rhinos
Dave Du Toit Founder,Vervet Monkey Foundation
Guy Jenning, Director WildAid Southern Africa
Sera Farista Climate Justice, Youth Climate Group
Andrea Hoepnner Chair of the Board Pro Wildlife
Vera Weber President/CEO Fondation Franz Weber
Erica Lyman Director Global Law Alliance for Animals and the Environment
Dr Mark Jones Veterinarian Born Free Foundation
Ericka Ceballos CEO CATCA Environmental and Wildlife Society (CEWS)
Mark J. Palmer Associate Director International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute
Nalu Machado President, Brazilian Nature Conservation Institute – IBRACON
Kathia Vasconcellos Monteiro President Augusto Carneiro Institute
José Truda Palazzo, Jr Co-founder Divers for Sharks
Eduardo Camargo President Brazilian Humpback Whale Institute
Dr Yolanda Alaniz Founder Marine Mammal Conservation of Mexico COMARINO
Nicholas Fromherz Director, Senior Attorney – Latin America Global Law Alliance for Animals and the Environment
Birgith Sloth Chairman Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals Denmark Chairman
Fabian Ritter President M.E.E.R. e.V. Germany
Silvia Frey PhD – Research KYMA sea conservation & research
Zak Smith Director Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Annelise Sorg President, No Whales In Captivity
Giorgio Lombardi Warden, Vogelgat Private Nature Reserve, South Africa
Peter Hodgskin Founder, Hands-off Fernkloof, South Africa
Image Credit: Jean Tresfon – Marine Conservation Photographer
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